duminică, 17 mai 2015

Cabana din Bustean - realizata în România, o construcție naturală, ecologica, prietenoasa cu mediul, disponibila in toata Europa !!!

            Firma noastra
 produce case din lemn in trei moduri constructive diferite (bustean calibrat rotund, case pe structura lemn masiv si panouri sanwinch), mobilier rustic, mansarde de lemn, terase, garaje, locuri de joaca pentru copii, casute in copac, case de vacanta si gradina, structuri rotunde și structuri din lemn dreptunghiulare (case prefabricate), lambriuri, podele si alte produse din lemn care sunt oferite de vânzare pentru clienții din România și cei din străinătate.
Site-ul nostru www.andranafabcons.aaz.ro ai pagina de Facebook: Andranafab, conțin informații complete și detaliate cu privire la tipurile de case, tehnologia de fabricație, de stabilire a prețurilor, de contractare și termenele de livrare.
Atunci când un consumator are atât de multe opțiuni: producatori case din bustean, stiluri de constructie, planuri de constructie, procesul de cumpărare și construirea unei case poate fi confuz. Cu toate acestea, cu un pic de chibzuire și de cercetare, puteți realiza exact proiectul corect pentru ceea ce se va numi pe viitor "acasa" si astfel a satisface nevoile si bugetul. 

Totul începe cu considerațiile de proiectare corecte. Dar, înainte de a începe  cautarea unei "oferte perfecte" , începeti prin a va face o listă cu toate caracteristicile de care aveti nevoie și va doriti în noua dumneavoastra casă. Începeți cu numărul de dormitoare și băi, dacă preferați o casa cu un etaj sau mai multe niveluri, precum și alte "Elemente obligatorii", care pot include un garaj, subsol, pridvoare sau terase.
      Includeti tot ce este important pentru voi pentru a face casa locuibila și confortabila. Ganditi-va la dimensiunile si locatiile camerelor, cum ar fi dacă doriți dormitorul matrimonial la parter sau nivelul superior, structura de bază a casei, și modul în care casa se va afla pe terenul construcției.

ANDRANAFAB CONS, producator de case din lemn combină experiențele și metodele unui proces de 400 de ani, cu cea mai recentă tehnologie pentru a produce o reședință exemplara. Mai mult de 25 case de locuit sunt vândute în fiecare an și pieța de construcții de calitate este in crestere. Măiestria inerenta și frumusețea caselor din lemn AFA au adus clienti multumiti, iar cumpărătorii sunt din ce în ce mai interesati de case din lemn ca reședință principală.

marți, 12 mai 2015

Reasons to chose an ecofriendly log house

              Among the reasons log home owners love their residences is the unique aesthetic and architectural qualities of log homes. While log homes are more popular than ever, those who live in them share a common bond of lifestyle and comfort.
              While the uniqueness of a log home is one of the industry’s main selling points, it also means that across the country, clients and possible home owners may not be familiar with the intricacies and peculiarities of a log home. AFA Logs has developed some factors to take into consideration before having decided what type of home you want.

                  Grading — Timber approved by a certified log grading program has been visually inspected and certified to a certain grade, which translates into a certain strength. It is important for building owners to understand and appreciate the grading process from a structural standpoint. Be sure to have documentation for your manufacturer.

                   Energy Issues — Historically, issues of energy efficiency and insulation have been a point of contention between the log home industry and standard construction industry. This misunderstanding stems from most building codes requiring an R-value — a numeric indicator of the resistant characteristics of building materials — and timber naturally carries a low R-value. All wood, however, has a varying level of thermal mass, a term that describes the natural energy properties of timber. We will publish shortly an elaborated study of  the standards for log construction, prospective log homeowners should educate themselves on thermal mass and the relationship to R-value by consulting the thermal resistance informations available on our facebook page.

              Plans/Construction Manuals — In addition to submitting design plans to your local jurisdiction, having a professionally-provided construction manual will carry a good deal of weight. If your building architect can't provide this type of design, ours can, this way you will be assured that your home has been carefully planned for design and construction, assuring that approval and building process can be more efficient and comfortable for all involved.
             Fire Performance — Understanding the fire resistance and performance of log walls is critical information to a client and state official. While there are fire-resistant systems available to the log homeowner, there are natural fire performance characteristics inherent in logs that should be

             General Log Construction — Sometimes the only reason potential clients or building owners are skeptical of log construction is simply because they have never encountered a log home before. Log home building systems are not very different than a stick-built home; the same fundamentals apply to construction of the foundation, exterior and interior walls, roof, floors, and utilities. Our construction method, by using calibrating machine assures that all the logs join perfectly, this way avoiding the loss of insulation and the gaps that may appear in the "manually" constructed houses.

joi, 7 mai 2015

Log house - made in Romania, a natural construction, enviromental Free all over the Europe!!!

Our company produces wooden houses in three different constructive ways, rustic furniture, wooden towers, terraces, garages, playgrounds for children, holiday houses and garden, round and rectangular wooden structures(Prefabricated houses), paneling, floors and other wood products which are offered for sale to customers in Romania and those from abroad.

Our website www.andranafabcons.aaz.ro or Facebook:Andranafab, contains complete and detailed information about the types of houses, manufacturing technology, pricing, contracting and delivery deadlines.

When a consumer has so many choices of log home manufacturers, log styles, and floor plans, the process of buying and building a log home can be confusing. However, with a little forethought and research, you can realize exactly the right log home to meet your needs and budget. It all starts with the right design considerations. But, before you start going through plan books in search of the “perfect floor plan, “begin by making a list of all the features you need and want in your new home. Start with number of bedrooms and baths, whether you prefer a one-story home or multiple levels, and other “must haves“, which may include a garage, basement, porches, or decks. Include anything that is important to you to make your home livable and comfortable. Give thought to room sizes and locations, such as whether you want your master suite on the main level or upper level, the basic layout of the home, and how the home will lie on your building site.

ANDRANAFAB LOG HOUSE manufacturer combines the experiences and lessons of a 400-year old process with the latest technology to produce an exemplary residence. More than 25 log homes are sold each year and account for a significant amount of the custom home building market. The inherent craftsmanship and beauty of AFA log homes have long pleased vacationers, but buyers are increasingly building log homes as their primary residence.

Wall logs & related materials

Rafters and second-floor beams  

Windows and exterior doors

Partition framing materials

Roof systems

Porches and decks

Interior doors and trim materials

Stairs and railings

Hardware, Floor & loft systems